People of all ages are invited to participate in this online course that will explore reasons why Christians should care for the earth and its creatures. This course is FREE but registration is required. Please join us and invite a friend to learn more about earthkeeping virtues that can be practiced in our homes, churches, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities.
Jeshelle Hofland Awarded 2022 DeWittt Fellowship
Au Sable Institute announced today that the 2022 recipient of the Calvin B. DeWitt Leadership Fellowship is Jeshell Hofland of Biola University. Jeshelle is finishing her third year at Biola and is majoring in Biological Sciences. This summer she will be enrolled in two courses at Au Sable’s Pacific Rim campus on Whidbey Island, WA.
Caleb Richert Awarded 2022 Mahan Fellowship
Abigail Gosselink Awarded 2022 Harold Snyder Fellowship
Congratulations to Abigail Gosselink, the 2022 recipient of the Harold Snyder Fellowship, a special award dedicated to honoring the life and legacy of Au Sable’s Founder, Dr. Harold Snyder. The Harold Snyder Fellowship provides a US $3,000 award to a student who shares the values of Dr. Harold Snyder in the care of God’s creation, combined with exceptional academic ability and a passion for science teaching as part of their career goals.